“A Platform for Arts Along the Railway in Signal Towers” is a paper presented at the conference “(Im)possible Complicities: Co-Production, Co-Creation, Cooptation”, in May 2019, at feld fünf, at Metropolenhaus, in Berlin, organized by Tesserae in cooperation with Horizon 2020, European Union Funding for Research & Innovation. The conference has a practice oriented approach, including non-strictly academic formats and interactive presentations.
“Along the Lines: An Art Space at the Scale of the City” is a paper presented at the conference “Considerations in Urban Aesthetics: Planning, Mobilities and Every Day Life”, which took place in Lahti and Helsinki, in 2017. The conference was organised by the Aalto University. The participation in the conference was kindly supported with the scholarship Welt.Raum.Bauhaus, by Bauhaus University Weimar.
“Minimal Travelling” is a series of residencies organized by and taking place at Kunst Halle Below, in 2019. The focus is on process oriented art, participative art and group processes. Participated together with Achim Wamßler in the June residency and created a work on the aesthetic of looking. The lyrical video will be released by the end of the year.
“Eiermann Reimagined” is a lab organised by IBA Thuringia, raumlabor Berlin and Wüstenrot Stiftung, which took place in the Eiermannbau in Apolda, in 2016. An interdisciplinary group of students and professionals, such as artists and architects, came together to reimagine the future of the building. For the duration of the residency, the participants lived in the Eiermannbau, gave an every day dimension to the research and kept the dialogue ongoing. At the end of the lab a conference was organised, together with an exhibition and a publication with the results. The participation in the residency was kindly supported with an IBA grant, by IBA Thuringia.