Stillgelegte Objekte der Deutschen Bahn und ihre Zukunft

  Zwischen Denkmalschutz und Nutzung: Stillgelegte Objekte der Deutschen Bahn und ihre Zukunft ist eine Veranstaltung des Ortskuratoriums Berlin in Kooperation mit dem Projekt Along the Lines. Eindrücke von der Veranstaltung Bericht Hier geht’s zum Bericht des Abends, den Vorträge und der anschließenden Diskussion.     Veranstaltungsort: Nicolaihaus der Deutschen Stiftung Denkmalschutz Brüderstraße 13, 10178…

Kunst und Zug. Die Reisenden als Zuschauer

von Natalia Irina Roman” width=”1080″ height=”720″ /> Kunst und Zug: Die Reisenden als Zuschauer ist eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Projektes Along the Lines. Die Veranstaltung lotet das künstlerische Potenzial von Kunst am Rand von Bahngleisen aus. Veranstaltungsort: DB mindbox, Holzmarktstraße 6-9, 10179 Berlin Datum/Uhrzeit: 25. September, 19 Uhr (Einlass 18.30 Uhr) Kostenlose Anmeldung Weitere…

Conferences & Co

Conferences “A Platform for Arts Along the Railway in Signal Towers” is a paper presented at the conference “(Im)possible Complicities: Co-Production, Co-Creation, Cooptation”, in May 2019, at feld fünf, at Metropolenhaus, in Berlin, organized by Tesserae in cooperation with Horizon 2020, European Union Funding for Research & Innovation. The conference has a practice oriented approach,…


The lecture Reclaiming Spaces Along Railway Tracks: Art Cooperation with Deutsche Bahn und Amtrak explores the artistic potential within the railway systems of major urban centers like Berlin and New York, aiming to enrich everyday commuting experiences. It showcases an ongoing art research at Bauhaus University Weimar, which activates and preserves disused interlocking towers along…

City research

City research ongoing together with Prof. Frank Eckardt and Prof. Christine Hill (Bauhaus University Weimar) on spaces along the railways, which after having lost their initial function, are re-designed through arts. The main topics build on art in public space and re-integration of abandoned building into the urban morphology. The research is run in collaboration…

Zone C

Zone C is an artist in residency programme in Berlin Zone C, with a focus on alternative forms of living, participative art and context specific art. During the residency, former trailers become ateliers and spaces of creation. Zone C is built in cooperation with Project House Potsdam and the association InWole. Events 2019 10.08.18:00: The residency Zone C…

Participative art

Invisible Strings is a participatory art installation, created for and with the participants of the workshop on experience design, at KAOS PILOT, in Aarhus, DK, in 2023. Built on a former plane wing, the installation invited the participants to span colorful strings among concepts relevant for them, on the topic of travel, in order to find…

Site Specific Ideas

Site Specific Ideas is an interdisciplinary platform dealing with various aspects of our cities, started 2010. Site Specific Ideas is also a platform dedicated to exploring site-specific art practices and the evolution of this concept. Through context specific art, both site and discourse responsive, various spaces and places are presented in a different light: architectural,…

Asphalt Grün

    Abandoned Christmas Trees of Berlin An exhibition and a public talk in 2010, in cooperation with Berliner Stadtreinigung and Hertie Foundation Plattenvereinigung, Peter-Behrens-Halle, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin Vernissage Programme: Joana Bërtholo (Reading: Between You and Me), Jochen Thermann (Reading), Raphaëlle Pacault (Violin), Natalie Tiranno (Saxophone), Ayako Toyama (Dance). Talk Event: on Transformed Spaces with Dimitri Hegemann (ehemaliges Kraftwerk…

Foster YOUR network

Networks often set the premises for long term collaborations, at times even across different fields, and they often have a great potential for generating innovation. Be it networks of alumni of an university, policy professionals sharing an interest in public management or sport club members, one often relies on their networks at different moments of their…